Photo credit:
Kevin Hutcherson
Common name
Carolina Pygmy Rattlesnake
Scientific name
Sistrurus miliarius miliarus
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Federal and State Protections
State Protected (North Carolina)
Range Map
Countries of Occurrence
United States of America
Adult size
14in (38cm) - 22in (56cm)
States or Providence
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Northwestern Alabama
Species Description
This subspecies is notable for its red phase coloration, although slate-grey and dull-lavender specimens are not uncommon. It prefers upland habitats such as sand hills and longleaf pine savannas, and may occasionally be found in the foothills of South Carolina and Georgia, with rare populations moving through the mountains of Georgia into Alabama. However, recent reports have concluded that S. m. miliarius makes use of lowland environments such as hardwood bottomlands and Carolina bays.
Like other subspecies of pygmy rattlesnake, the Carolina pygmy is a primarily crepuscular species, active around dawn and dusk; and targets a wide variety of prey including small reptiles, amphibians, centipedes and small snakes. Their young also have yellow-tipped tails to lure prey.
In North Carolina, they are considered threatened due to habitat loss and illegal collection resulting from their striking coloration. A lack of disturbance events (i.e. fire suppression), resulting in soil changes and reduced hibernacula, also likely poses a threat for this species.