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Common name
Tancítaran Cross-banded Mountain Rattlesnake
Scientific name
Crotalus tancitarensis
Conservation Status
Data Deficient
Federal and State Protections
Range Map
Countries of Occurrence
Adult size
35cm (13.7in) - 44cm (17.3cm); possibly larger due to limited number of specimens
States or Providence
Species Description
An extremely rare snake, this species has the least number of actual sightings of any rattlesnake species, limited to just five specimens as of 2014, and limited entirely to adult female specimens (neonate/juvenile males were recorded, but no adults).
It is endemic to the slopes of the volcano Cerro Tancítaro, where it inhabits the rocky scrubland edge of montane pine-fir forests.
It likely feeds on lizards, based upon their abundance on the volcano and lizards being the only food captive specimens would eat.