Photo credit:
paul_prior on iNaturalist
Common name
Rupunini Rattlesnake
Scientific name
Crotalus durissus trigonicus
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Federal and State Protections
Range Map
Countries of Occurrence
Brazil, SW Guyana
Adult size
States or Providence
Upper Takutu-Upper Esequibo (Region 9) (GY), Roraima (BZ)
Species Description
This medium-sized rattlesnake is only known to occur in its namesake, the Rupunini Savannah of Guyana in South America. This vast rolling plain is divided north to south by the Kanuku Mountains. Very little is known about the Rupunini rattlesnake likely due to its small and extremely rural locality. It probably feeds on small mammals and birds, and bites from this species can be lethal without treatment.
Fun fact: "Trigonicus" in the scientific name is in reference to V-shaped markings on its supraoculars, the scales directly above the eye!