Photo credit:
Rick C. West
Common name
Mt. Roriama Rattlesnake
Scientific name
Crotalus durissus ruruima
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Federal and State Protections
Range Map
Countries of Occurrence
Venezuela, Brazil
Adult size
States or Providence
Roraima (BZ), Estado BolÃvar (VZ)
Species Description
This large rattlesnake can be found in southern Venezuela and northern Brazil in the savanna on the slopes of Mt. Roraima. The Mt. Roraima rattlesnake primarily consumes rodents and other small mammals. This species encounters humans more often than the other rattlesnakes in Brazil, as more savanna habitat is exposed and rainforests are cut down.
Fun fact: The Mt. Roraima rattlesnake's venom has the highest level of crotoxin, a major toxin in all South American rattlesnakes, of all of the C. durissus subspecies! Because of their major neurotoxic, coagulant, and myotoxic effects in victims, an antivenom for Bothrops vipers is often more effective in snakebite treatment than antivenom made for rattlesnakes!